Home » Residents of Myanmar began to withdraw cash and buy food in large quantities

Residents of Myanmar began to withdraw cash and buy food in large quantities

by alex

Residents of Myanmar began to massively withdraw cash and buy food. A Russian living in Yangon told RIA Novosti about this.

“There is no rush in supermarkets, but they buy a lot – mainly food with long shelf life,” he said. According to the Russian, he saw especially many visitors at the street markets.

In addition, people try to withdraw more cash from ATMs. Because banks are closed and only head offices are open, queues line up at the ATMs.

The Russian also said that from about six in the morning until noon (local time) in Yangon, mobile telephony and the Internet were disconnected. Now everything has been restored.

On February 1, the Myanmar military announced the introduction of a state of emergency in the country for a period of one year. Vice President Mint Sveh was appointed Interim President.

Prior to that, it became known about the arrest of Myanmar President Vin Myin and the head of the country's ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) party, Aung San Suu Kyi, who holds the post of state adviser and foreign minister. The NLD said the military was in the process of organizing a coup d'état.

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