Home » Research by Rambler & Co: most Russians remember teachers in mathematics and Russian

Research by Rambler & Co: most Russians remember teachers in mathematics and Russian

by alex

On October 5, Russia traditionally celebrates Teacher's Day. Especially for the holiday, Rambler & Co media holding learned how Internet users relate to their teachers.

Most of the Russians surveyed (63%) like the teachers they had in school. 19% did not always arrange lessons, 18% had neutral memories of their school years. At the same time, almost all (86%) remember the name of their first teacher.

The respondents answered which subjects teachers are most remembered for. In first place (23%) are mathematicians (including algebra and geometry). About one fifth (21%) liked the teachers of the Russian language and literature. 13% of votes were received by teachers in history and social studies, 10% – in physics, 8% – in foreign languages, 7% – in geography, 6% – in biology, 5% mentioned sportsmen, 3% – trudoviks. The top is closed by teachers of informatics, fine arts, music and life safety (1% each).

Many recalled the stereotypical phrases that were included in the lexicon of teachers. Most of the respondents (42%) recalled “Call for a teacher”, “Forest of hands” (21%), “Have you forgotten your head at home?” (21%). 6% of pupils still have the phrase “Parents to school” spinning in their heads, one in twentieth heard the remark “My subject is the most important” at any lesson, 4% regularly asked “Get out, put yourself in order and come back”. 10% did not come across the above phrases.

58% of survey participants believe that they behaved well at school and that they have nothing to apologize to teachers. Almost a quarter (23%) believe that their behavior has upset teachers, 5% would ask for forgiveness for being late, 2% for being rude. The rest do not remember if they had any conflicts.

The majority (44%) are sure that the best gift for Teacher's Day is good grades and behavior. And almost the same number, 41%, would prefer to please teachers with flowers. 6% would give equipment, 5% – candy, and 4% consider it important to make repairs in the classroom.

The respondents also spoke about teachers' salaries. A third (33%) called the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles worthy payment. 25% believe that teachers should receive from 80 to 100 thousand rubles, another quarter – that from 60 to 80 thousand rubles, 17% supported a salary of less than 60 thousand rubles.

The survey was conducted on the Rambler portal from September 29 to October 3, 2021. The coverage was more than 1.2 million users, among which 16% are excellent students, 60% are good, 22% are C and 2% are Losers.

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