Home » Remains of occupiers' equipment: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published eloquent photos from the liberated city

Remains of occupiers' equipment: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published eloquent photos from the liberated city

by alex

The General Staff published a photo of the “equipment” of the enemy in Trostyanets/Dmitry Zhivitsky's telegrams

On March 26, the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the liberation of the city in the Sumy region from Russian invaders. Later, the General Staff published a photo of the remains of enemy equipment.

Recall that on February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine. The invaders met fierce resistance here. Read about the main events in recent weeks at the link.

The General Staff published a photo of the “equipment” of the enemy in Trostyanets

On the liberation of the Ukrainian city from Russian invaders representatives of the 93rd Kholodny Yar brigade reported.

This was also confirmed by the head of the Sumy OVA Dmitry Zhivitsky. The leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published on the network a photo of the Russian equipment remaining in the city.

The remains of equipment of the Russian invaders in Trostyanets in the Sumy region, the General Staff said.

Remains of occupiers' equipment: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published eloquent photos from the liberated city

Remains of Russian equipment in Trostyants/Photo of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

 Remains of occupiers' equipment: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published eloquent photos from the liberated city -content/uploads/2022/03/ostatki-tehniki-okkupantov-genshtab-vsu-obnarodoval-krasnorechivye-foto-iz-osvobozhdennogo-goroda-4d77b14.jpg

Remains of Russian equipment in Trostyanets/Photo by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Remains of occupiers' equipment: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published eloquent photos from the liberated city

Remains of equipment Russians in Tr ostyanets/Photo General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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