Home » Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

by alex

Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

Favorite general of Napoleon. His name is carved twice on a triumphal arch in Paris. The remains of General Guden, found in 2019 near Smolensk, were handed over to the French authorities. The transfer of the remains took place in the capital's Museum of the War of 1812, says MIR 24 correspondent Andrei Yeganov.

Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

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    Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities

    Remains of Napoleonic General Guden handed over to the French authorities


    The French waited a year and a half for the return of their general to their homeland. For more than two hundred years, they were looking for the place of his burial. In 2019, archaeologists discovered the remains of Guden in the center of Smolensk – on the Royal Bastion. Then, after conducting all the examinations, it was decided to transfer them to France.

    “In France, the remains of his family were exhumed – father, mother, brother and son. And so we compared their DNA and established the identity of the deceased, ”says Tatyana Shvedchikova, a researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    During the Russian campaign of 1812, Guden was personally at the forefront. Near Smolensk, the French tried to divide the Russian army into two parts, but the attempt to drive a wedge failed. The village of Valutino became the general's last refuge.

    General Guden was mortally wounded near Smolensk – a cannonball tore off one of his legs and seriously damaged the other. These injuries 200 years later helped to identify the commander.

    According to eyewitnesses, Napoleon himself courted his friend, but could not help Gudin. The future emperor of France and the general of the division had known each other since childhood. We went to military school together. The commander commanded one of the best divisions. His soldiers took Kustrin and Warsaw.

    “Numerous archival sources say that Guden was buried to the right of the entrance to the royal fortress. It was customary to bury French generals on a hill. Comparing all the facts, I realized that the grave should be here, ”says Pierre Malinovsky, President of the Foundation for Russian-French Historical Initiatives.

    In Soviet times, this place was a dance floor. Therefore, archaeologists also had to disassemble the brick pillars. millimeter by millimeter, they cleared the barely preserved walls of the coffin from the ground. No metal detectors were used. The commander was buried without a uniform, in one shroud, as was customary then.

    “A truly significant event, now the remains of the general will join the heart, which was buried in Paris in 1812, it is in the crypt to this day,” said Igor Morozov, director of the department of the Russian Military Historical Society.

    General Guden's ashes will be sent to Paris and interred on 13 July. Perhaps the commander will be buried next to his friend Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte.

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