Home » Rejection of NATO and the introduction of UN peacekeepers: Klimkin spoke about the consequences

Rejection of NATO and the introduction of UN peacekeepers: Klimkin spoke about the consequences

by alex

Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin assessed whether Ukraine should refuse to join NATO and agree to the introduction of UN peacekeepers into our territories.

He stressed that the main problem is that Ukraine needs security guarantees for today and tomorrow, and for this it is necessary to sign a special agreement, since “today we are not a member of NATO and tomorrow, unfortunately, also we will not”.

Pavel Klimkin added that politics and the world will change very quickly, so we can plan other agreements with other countries, such as Britain and Poland.

– If there is a new design for safety, then we will consider those. But so far they are not there, there is an Alliance whose values ​​coincide with ours. Therefore, this Alliance is the only one that can help us ensure security and must be strived for. We should not and will not refuse it, the ex-minister stressed.

Klimkin said that joining NATO would be a transitional period that would help ensure our security today and now.


– But we do not know how NATO will change in the future, how much before joining. It is necessary to provide what is needed for entry and calmly move forward. This (joining NATO and considering other alliances, –Ed.) does not interfere with each other, – said the former foreign minister.

As for the introduction of a UN peacekeeping mission on the territory of Ukraine, Pavel Klimkin regarded such an idea as controversial.

– We can talk about peacekeeping contingents for the occupied territories. This is another matter. But as for our territories, what kind of peacekeepers, we ourselves are peacekeepers. You are right in violating this question, since there is a lot of information that Putin is preparing a so-called peacekeeping mission, which will include Russian troops, the military of Lukashenka, Tajikistan. To leave them in the south of Ukraine and use this as leverage to keep the occupation of Ukraine. This cannot be agreed to under any circumstances, as it will cement the occupation,” Klimkin concluded.

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