Home ยป Referendum on independence from France continues in New Caledonia: Indigenous population calls for boycott

Referendum on independence from France continues in New Caledonia: Indigenous population calls for boycott

by alex

On the eve of the elections, 2,000 French troops arrived in New Caledonia with armored vehicles and military equipment.

Residents of the Pacific French territory of New Caledonia vote in the third and final referendum on independence from France. At the same time, calls are heard on the islands to download the vote due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Guardian informs about this.

It is noted that the vote is taking place. amid growing tensions between Paris and its regional allies.

France sees itself as a major Indo-Pacific player thanks to overseas territories such as New Caledonia. At the same time, China is accused of financing independence movements, which is allegedly interested in the independence of the islands.

The Socialist Front for the Liberation of the Kanaks (indigenous people of Melanesia – Ed.) Urged citizens not to vote, arguing that COVID- 19 made it impossible to campaign for independence and proportionality of the vote.

On the eve of the elections, 2,000 French troops arrived in New Caledonia with armored vehicles and military equipment. On election day, the sale of alcohol, as well as the retail sale of fuel and the transport of weapons, such as traditional hunting weapons and machetes for chopping wood and coconuts, are prohibited.

This is the third referendum on New Caledonia's independence from France. In 2018, 43% voted for independence, and this figure rose to 47% during the second vote in 2020.

Recall that France will raise the issue of Ukraine's NATO membership.

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