Home » Recover from coronavirus identified hearing problems

Recover from coronavirus identified hearing problems

by alex

Scientists from the University of Manchester have identified a hearing problem recover from coronavirus. Their study published in the scientific publication American Journal of Otolaryngology.

Experts tracked the status of 121 patients with coronavirus, of which 16 have reported the hearing loss. Problems they appeared two months after discharge from the hospital.

The researchers stressed that other viruses, such as measles, mumps and meningitis can also cause hearing impairment. It is noted that this may be due to auditory neuropathy, which disrupted the transmission of signals via the hearing nerve to the brain.

However, scientists believe that the auditory system is infected with a coronavirus of patients could also affect the stress and used against infection drugs.

Previously, Dr. Emily Holmes from the Swedish Uppsala University warned that the coronavirus pandemic has an impact on mental health. According to the medic, mental effects in the context of the pandemic is particularly strong in the elderly and children — as well as the body and psyche are linked, physicians need to work with new forms of treatment that take into account this fact.

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