Home » Rebels in CAR announced resumption of fighting ahead of elections

Rebels in CAR announced resumption of fighting ahead of elections

by alex

Opposing the government of the Central African Republic (CAR), a rebel group has announced renewed fighting ahead of the general elections scheduled for the weekend. This was reported by the France 24 TV channel.

The anti-government Coalition of Patriots for Change accused the government of “irresponsible stubbornness” after the authorities refused to impose a three-day truce and postpone elections. The rebels said they would resume “a relentless march towards their ultimate goal.” According to the UN peacekeeping mission, MINURCA, hostilities have resumed in the city of Bakuma, located about 250 kilometers east of the capital Bangui.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that Moscow sent an additional 300 military instructors to the CAR at the request of the country's leadership. It was clarified that on the spot they would train the servicemen of the republic's national army. At the same time, information appeared that Russian mercenaries began to help the CAR army – they were noticed 130 kilometers north-west of the republic's capital, Bangui, along with mercenaries from Rwanda and representatives of the CAR Armed Forces (FACA).

The revival of the insurgency in the CAR is caused by the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, scheduled for December 27. It was clarified that three armed rebel groups have united in the anti-government “Coalition of Patriots for Change” in order to prevent President Faustin-Archange Touadere from being re-elected for a second term. The leader of the militants is considered the former president of the country, Francois Bozizet. The government accuses him of attempting a coup. It was noted that the members of the coalition intend to cut the main supply routes to the capital of the CAR and block it.

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