Home » Putin’s visits to his allies only worsen his situation: Piontkovsky explained the reason

Putin’s visits to his allies only worsen his situation: Piontkovsky explained the reason

by alex

Political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky noted that the West no longer takes Putin’s nuclear threats seriously.

Demonstrative trips to their partners only make matters worse position Putin in the war.

This opinion was expressed by political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky on the air of “Espresso”.

“Relations between Putin and Lukashenko have always been complex, quite tense. And Lukashenko always went to Beijing in difficult moments to show Putin that he had another sponsor. This irritated Moscow terribly. And Beijing is also irritated by Putin’s visits to North Korea. That is, all these Putin's desperate steps only worsen his situation. But the worst thing is the unfolding Z-patriotic community that “the tsar is not real.” The Z-patriots are surprised why Putin will not punish France with the same nuclear strikes, because Macron firmly reminded him. that France is also a nuclear state. This is what I have been talking about for three years on all channels – Putin was never ready to use nuclear weapons, he knew very well that this was just blackmail to intimidate the West,” Piontkovsky explained.

According to a political scientist, Putin is trying to convince the Russian population that he is capable of winning a convection war. He noted that the West no longer takes Putin's nuclear threats seriously.

“Now Putin is making other threats. After the attack on Sevastopol, they blamed the Americans and rushed to threaten them very specifically. Mad Mashka Zakharova said that the Americans would receive very serious retribution for their attacks on Sevastopol. Well, okay, patriots they were already indignant about where the nuclear strikes were, and now a week later the same Z-patriots will ask Putin: where is the retaliation against the USA? He found himself in such a funnel of not empty threats – he used to threaten with nuclear weapons, now he explains to his patriots that , yes, we are ready to use nuclear weapons, but not now, today there is no need, the conventional war continues, and we are winning it. Yes, well, now they will wait and threaten to strike at American satellites, at American drones, at Romanian and Polish ones. airfields where NATO planes are already arriving and will use them as base airfields for attacks on Crimea. But where are Putin’s attacks?,” summed up Piontkovsky.


Recall that Vitaly Portnikov criticized Trump’s peace plan. In his opinion, Putin will seek a real path to peace only if the West is ready for a war of attrition in the Russian Federation.

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