Home » Putin's virus has flown to China, – political scientist on Beijing's “peace plan”

Putin's virus has flown to China, – political scientist on Beijing's “peace plan”

by alex

On February 24, China presented the so-called “peace plan” for Russia's war against Ukraine. This is a rather poor quality document. And China is on the so-called “stretching”.

This Channel 24 was told by political scientist Taras Zagorodny. According to him, Beijing is now on a big stretch. The cornerstone of China's entire foreign policy is territorial integrity and sovereignty. It has to do with Taiwan, which they want to take back.

Based on this logic, they should support Ukraine. After all, Ukraine is the subject of aggression from Russia. But, unfortunately, the Chinese leadership is in a trap that they themselves have created. Not without the help of Russia. I am sure that Russia worked here. And she could convince the Chinese that Ukraine is not a state, but a rebellious province. According to this logic, China can support Russia,” Zadorozhny said.

China is becoming like Russia

As Zagorodniy noted, with the advent of Xi Jinping, China moved away from the ideology promoted by the former leader of China, Deng Xiaoping – to pursue foreign policy as de-ideologized as possible. With the advent of Xi, he began to promote the line of Mao Zedong, which consists in the competition of systems.

For 10 years, Xi Jinping has practically violated all the canons that Deng Xiaoping laid down. The former made himself a de facto leader for life, and also publicly snubbed Hu Jintao's predecessor. And this is in a country where respect for elders and predecessors is especially valued.

Unfortunately, China, according to my observations, is becoming like Russia. There is a single leader. And the possibility of error increases dramatically, as in Russia. They are also becoming hostages to their own rhetoric of nationalism, propagated for 20 years. For the Russians, “we were humiliated after 1991,” for the Chinese, “we were humiliated throughout the 19th century,” Zagorodny said.

Because of these problems, China is really capable of making the mistake of starting to supply weapons to Russia, which could end up with sanctions from the US and the EU. This will definitely lead to an economic crisis. And against this background, China can make another mistake and start a military conflict. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan understand this, and therefore they are arming heavily.

He stressed that, in general, “peace initiatives” are a very low-quality document, where there are many disagreements. China supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries, but wants to change the world order and does not talk about punishing the aggressor.

This once again proves that collective leadership, the signs of democracy, save us from mistakes and dependence on one person. Unfortunately, China took the side of Russia with this position. And Putin's virus flew to China, – Zagorodny believes.

What are China's global plans

It seems that China is trying to build an alternative anti-Western world, which can include the countries of Latin America and the global South as a whole. But everything will be built not on ideology, but simply on revanchism. However, here China, according to Zadorozhny, made a false start.

It is too early for China to frighten the West, where the military industry is now massively deployed. And if the US industry also switches to the “arsenal of democracy” mode … China will not be able to compete, because in them everything is mostly copied or based on Soviet weapons. – said Zadorozhny.

It would be logical to let the West help Ukraine defeat Russia. And at least 30 years later, when the West relaxes again, take certain steps.

China's “peace plan” in brief

  • On February 24, China unveiled its “peace plan about the war in Ukraine. It included 12 points.
  • The document never mentions the word “war”. And China has not condemned Russia's actions.
  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky noted that he partially agrees with this document. There are some items that you can work with. But he does not consider it a “peace plan”.

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