Home » Putin's entourage is trying to fasten Ferrari wheels to the cart

Putin's entourage is trying to fasten Ferrari wheels to the cart

by alex

Import substitution in the understanding of Russians is to fasten Ferrari wheels to the cart./Poradum

Many people around Putin understand that the situation is absolutely hopeless. This is an imitation of activity – what is happening.

Russian business is pushing water in a mortar

Well, something must be done. The idea of ​​import substitution does not work. In fact, this is an attempt to create a non-competitive efficient production.

This does not happen. Efficient production arises in competition. Without competition, having purchased the most modern technologies, it is impossible to create an effective enterprise.

After all, the sequence is known there: give money to the state, we will buy it in order to create an alternative, import-substituting enterprise. Buying equipment. But there, firstly, they steal a lot of money. Secondly, one enterprise cannot work in an inefficient economy. This is impossible to implement. Electricity at non-market prices will be supplied to this enterprise and will already make it inefficient.

At the next stage, yes, we have done something. Potatoes – but it is three times more expensive than Israeli. We are now, please, compensation so that we can implement it. The state pays compensation.

Psychotherapy of the oligarchs for Putin

We used to argue about fixed prices for bread. A colleague said that Borovoy is crazy: he says that fixed prices are not needed. Pensioners are dying! And I objected to him, I said that financing bread producers is the same as throwing rolls over Moscow from airplanes. Some of them will go to pensioners, to those who need them.

Consequently, inefficient import substitution, inefficient enterprises – they will be inefficient. This is an imitation – what Oleg Deripaska Remchukov does (Russian businessmen – Channel 24). Imitation of activity.

This is a psychotherapeutic help to Putin. But now we will try to do something that has never been (and what is impossible – they don’t say that). Here we will try to replace imports – instead of wheels, we will attach wheels from Ferrari to this cart and call this cart Ferrari. And let's call the dead horse that this Ferrari will move, a six-cylinder V-engine. Nothing changes from this. Imitation.

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