Home » Putin will not take a step back: what are the Kremlin’s true intentions regarding the negotiations

Putin will not take a step back: what are the Kremlin’s true intentions regarding the negotiations

by alex

Putin will not take a step back: what are the Kremlin’s true intentions regarding the negotiations Victoria Grabovskaya

Russia allegedly handed over to the United States a draft peace treaty, according to which the Kremlin is ready to make certain concessions. In particular, “to discuss the transfer of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Ukraine”. territory,” which may be under “dual subordination of Ukraine and Russia.” According to political scientist and international relations expert Maxim Nesvitaylov, which he shared with 24 Channel, the possibility of such a peaceful project is a conspiracy theory that does not have any realistic points.

What signals does Putin give

For Putin, Crimea is absolutely inviolable, and its affiliation with Russia is not the subject of any debate. The Crimean peninsula, according to the political scientist, will not figure at all in negotiations with Russia.

Also, as long as Putin is alive, he will not give up the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, because according to the constitution, they are “part of Russia”. Therefore, he will not take a step back and will fight as long as he can to retain the occupied territories,” explained Nesvitaylov.

He added that for this Russia, unfortunately, still has a margin of safety for waging war – at least for the next 3 to 5 years.

At the same time, Moscow signed an agreement with Pyongyang on mutual military assistance, indicating that the Kremlin is more inclined towards greater escalation than negotiations.

Also, on the eve of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, Putin publicly announced his plan, which is only a “precondition” for the start of negotiations with Ukraine. In particular, he cynically stated that Ukraine should withdraw its troops from the entire territory of the “new Russian regions,” in particular the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

“Putin essentially” proposed “The conditions for the surrender of Ukraine. Is he really ready to sign the agreement that Russia allegedly handed over to the United States,” noted Maxim Nesvitaylov.

What is known about the “peace treaty” that Russia handed over to the United States

The draft of this agreement was allegedly recently brought to Washington by Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Journalist Dmitry Gordon published some of its points:

  • Ukraine must withdraw troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
  • Kyiv should enshrine its non-aligned status in the Constitution and refuse to join NATO;
  • The Ukrainian army should be 350 thousand people and have a limited list weapons. The concept of a “peacetime army” needs to be enshrined in the Constitution.
  • The United States must lift sanctions against the oil and gas complex and the banking system of Russia; >Moscow will transfer to Ukraine the Zaporizhia NPP and control over the demilitarized 100-kilometer zone along the Dnieper to the Black Sea.

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