Home » “Putin will not stop”: Poland is sounding the alarm over a possible new Russian attack on Europe

“Putin will not stop”: Poland is sounding the alarm over a possible new Russian attack on Europe

by alex

Tusk said that Russia could attack Europe in just a few years.

Poland has not made such frank statements for a long time in relation to Putin. Warsaw once again warned its allies – do not dare ignore Ukraine – it needs to transfer more weapons. If not, then Putin will wait for the right moment and sweep them away too.

This is discussed in the TSN.ua exclusive.

Poland appealed to NATO

Donald Tusk stated that “no one can doubt that, from a strategic point of view, Europe is the object of Russian aggression, and this will happen when Russia's advantage in military capabilities becomes obvious.”

According to the Prime Minister, together with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, he has already sent a corresponding appeal to NATO. The reason why Warsaw doesn’t want to waste a single day is, again, Ukraine. On December 29, 23, and January 2, 24, when Russia staged massive attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine, the Poles saw that Putin would not stop at anything, he was ready to continue and even intensify missile terror, no matter how much it cost him.

Europe must come to its senses, come to its senses and increase assistance to Ukraine – this is the main message of Prime Minister Tusk.

Watch on the TSN YouTube channel: PUTIN WILL NOT STOP! Poland is preparing for war with Russia!

“Together with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, we have prepared such an initiative, a call to take into account the needs of the European arms industry. Europe is lagging far behind here. We will want to mobilize and use all available diplomatic means and persuasion to force the entire EU understand that without a radically enhanced military effort we will be left far behind, which means one thing: Europe is under direct Russian attack over the next few years,” Putin said.

Will the Russian Federation decide to launch a new attack

Donald Tusk is not the only one sounding the alarm. In the EU, namely the countries of Eastern Europe, they have always been afraid of Moscow, but since 2014 the situation has worsened, and in 2022, Putin crossed the Rubicon.

As Bild wrote, one of the European studies is already directly looming: there is a scenario in which Putin will invade one of the NATO countries at the intersection of 2024 and 2025. It will be easiest for him to enter the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which were formerly Soviet and, moreover, have a specific geographical location – they are easy to cut off from their allies by land.

They also have a long border with the Russian Federation or Belarus. Moreover, Russia is already using a constant motive, which is relevant for almost all former Soviet republics. The so-called question of the “Russian-speaking population”. For example, Latvia is now actively trying to expel from its territory Russians who moved during the USSR, who never received Latvian citizenship and do not intend to do so due to their reluctance to learn the language and history of the country.

NATO's silence continues

This scenario will be successful in one case – if the United States, due to internal vicissitudes, namely elections, ignores the issue of the security of its allies. Of course, such a scenario is just a set of probabilities, but the fact that it is already being considered in Europe should at least encourage European politicians to take action.

“Putin is an animal, he will eat you for dinner”

President Vladimir Zelensky made such a loud statement the day before. Ukrainians know better than anyone about the Kremlin’s imperial appetites and why the enemy should not be given any chance to regain strength and attack again. At the event, not everyone has yet understood who they are really dealing with.

“By giving us money or weapons, you are supporting yourself. You are saving your children, not ours. Putin feels weak like an animal because he is an animal. He feels blood, he feels his strength. And he will eat you for dinner with all your EU, NATO, freedom and democracy,” he told The Economist.

Europe stirred

In Germany, they began to more actively discuss the transfer of long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, but in the United States there is something even more significant and important. In Washington, it was proposed to transfer ATAKMS missiles to Ukraine, which the United States planned to give for disposal. We are not talking about some kind of “rocket prophecy”, but about old modifications. The compositions in the USA are not rubber, the newest rockets have already been made, but there is nowhere to put the old ones. A corresponding decision by the authorities in the United States could help the Armed Forces of Ukraine – because the Pentagon has thousands of such ATACMS.

In the meantime, it is too early to talk about the prospects of transferring any additional weapons from the United States. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby admitted that the United States has run out of money for Kyiv. Additional ones are in the new annual aid package of 61 billion, but Congress must vote for it. Parliamentarians are on vacation and will only be able to do this in mid-January.

Earlier, Tusk said that Russia could attack Europe in just a few years if European countries do not draw conclusions on restructuring the Russian economy on a military footing and do not strengthen the capabilities of their military-industrial complex.

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