Putin will bring many proposals to Vietnam: international affairs expert explained the dictator’s interest Petro Sineokiy Dictator Vladimir Putin will visit Vietnam on June 19-20. It was this state that recently ignored the Global Peace Summit. About this 24 Channel said Candidate of Political Sciences, international affairs expert Stanislav Zhelikhovsky, noting that Vietnam belongs to the countries of the Global South. And over the last time it has been successfully developing. As Zhelikhovsky noted, the strangest thing is that Vietnam has fairly strong relations with the United States. But they still agreed to accept dictator Putin. There are no details yet on what exactly to expect from Putin’s visit to Vietnam. Obviously, they have options for cooperation. Everything can concern various kinds of bilateral cooperation. We are talking about economic and trade. I think that Putin will bring a lot of proposals,” said Zhelikhovsky. Putin will probably now try to establish contacts with Vietnam to attract them to his initiatives. A dictator may try to organize a so-called coalition that opposes the Western world. Russia's allies and neutral countries may enter there. It can be assumed that such visits by Putin will continue in the future. He needs to show that in fact Russia is not isolated. I believe that Putin is so far fulfilling his global plan regarding the countries of the Global South. It is not so important to him that they be in close connection with Russia. Now he needs them to not join the same Ukrainian peace plan. The Kremlin is working a lot in this direction,” noted Zhelikhovsky.Why Putin is going to Vietnam
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Putin will bring many proposals to Vietnam: an international relations expert explained the dictator’s interest