Home » Putin spoke about his reaction to the coronavirus vaccine

Putin spoke about his reaction to the coronavirus vaccine

by alex

At the State Awards ceremony, the President met with the creator of the coronavirus vaccine, Academician Alexander Gunzburg. Vladimir Putin told the scientist how he transferred the vaccination.

– After the second injection, 12 hours later, my temperature rose a little – 37.2. But that was in the evening. In the morning I woke up, there was nothing, – said the president.

– Temperature 38, 39 degrees – this is normal, – said Gunzburg.

The academician added that people need to be encouraged to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

– Democracy is great, but when it does not concern human health. We need to push people to protect their health, – said the scientist.

“In my opinion, after we have vaccinated 18 million, and not a single serious case of complications has been recorded, there is enough convincing evidence that vaccination should be wider,” Putin replied.

Putin spoke about his reaction to the coronavirus vaccine

The President said that Russia has already made enough vaccines to inoculate everyone. But the problem is not in the amount of drugs, but in the fact that Russians are still wary of coronavirus vaccination as such.

Putin spoke about his reaction to the coronavirus vaccine: “The temperature has risen a little”

Putin spoke about his reaction to the coronavirus vaccine

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