Home ยป Putin put forward a condition for a return to the nuclear agreement from the United States

Putin put forward a condition for a return to the nuclear agreement from the United States

by alex

The representative of the Russian dictator once again complained about NATO's assistance to Ukraine.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the state would not renew participation in the agreement from the United States on nuclear arms control if Washington does not listen to Moscow's position.

It is reported by Sky News.

Speaker Vladimir Putin noted that “the attitude of the collective West” towards Russia, led by the United States, must change.

“The security of one country cannot be ensured at the expense of the security of another,” Peskov said.

He also lamented that Ukraine receives assistance with ammunition from NATO member countries. At the same time, Putin's speaker stated that the Alliance “acts as a single bloc no longer as our conditional opponents, but as enemies.”

Recall, on February 21, Putin announced that Russia was suspending participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty, concluded from the United States. We are talking about limiting such weapons.

As Ukrainian diplomat Roman Bessmertny explained, such a step on the part of the Russian Federation means the resumption of the production of strategic offensive weapons in terms of current needs. However, the politician believes that they are minimal.

As of February 25, the Pentagon was informed that they had not noticed a change in the position of Russia's strategic nuclear forces after Putin's statement.

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