Home » Putin is trying to form an alternative to NATO: analysts explained why the dictator is doing this

Putin is trying to form an alternative to NATO: analysts explained why the dictator is doing this

by alex

The dictator intends to use the historical memory of positive relations with the Soviet Union.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin is seeking to create a coalition of countries to try to position the union as a real alternative to NATO.

This is reported by analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

They note that we are talking about countries that have historically warm ties with the USSR.

Experts have concluded that the Russian dictator is seeking to create a coalition of countries that he could try to present as a real alternative to NATO. He also seeks to create the illusion that Western countries are the only supporters of Ukraine, and the rest of the world stands for Russia.

“Putin likely intends to use the historical memory of positive relations with the Soviet Union and previous aid to other states to create a coalition of countries that he could try to present as a viable alternative to NATO and support the Kremlin's misguided information operations present Western countries “as the only supporters of Ukraine, while the rest of the world stands behind Russia,” added ISW.

It was previously reported that the visit of Putin to North Korea is alarming, because it indicates the formation of a nuclear bloc openly hostile to NATO and the global West.

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