Home » Putin has once again disgraced himself: he could not pronounce the name and surname of the Turkish president either the first or the second time (video)

Putin has once again disgraced himself: he could not pronounce the name and surname of the Turkish president either the first or the second time (video)

by alex

The corresponding video, which proves that Putin has problems with speech, instantly spread across the Internet.

Kremlin dictator Putin disgraced himself at the BRICS summit. He couldn't pronounce the first and last name of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan either the first or the second time.

The corresponding video, which proves that Putin has problems with speech, instantly spread across the Internet.

“The floor is given to President Tayyip Erdogan… Rzejp Tapu… Eydogan,” Putin tried to pronounce.

Let's recall that a similar failure befell the head of the Kremlin a year ago, when he couldn't pronounce the name of Kazakh President Kassim-Zhomart Tokayev. The Russian president, addressing his Kazakh counterpart, called him “Kemel Zhomartovich,” but then stopped and repeated correctly – Kasim-Zhomart Kemelevich.

But the most colorful slip of the tongue by the Kremlin master was made in June 2022. Speaking at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Putin called Tokayev with a tongue twister that sounded something like “Kemezham Ishemilevich.”

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