Home » Putin has encroached on Odessa: scandalous statements about Ukraine and awkward questions for the dictator – review

Putin has encroached on Odessa: scandalous statements about Ukraine and awkward questions for the dictator – review

by alex

The dictator continues to share his wet dreams that never came true.

For the first time in two years Vladimir Putin talked with Russians. Whole bloody wars, fantasies of victory, “Russian” Odessa and so on.

What else did Putin dream about at the press conference – see Victoria Panchenko’s exclusive on TSN.UA.

Putin's new lie

On Thursday, December 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin held his annual press conference. True, he dared to make a direct line with the Russians for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Traditionally, there were some false and cynical statements from the dictator.

“There will be peace when we achieve our goals: denazification in Ukraine, demilitarization, its neutral status,” Putin assured.

Continuing the topic, the question arose about the further involvement of Russians in the war, namely the second wave of mobilization. Putin said that today there is no need for this. At the same time, he acknowledged the insane losses at the front, albeit indirectly. We are talking about more than 300 thousand Russian monsters.

“He stated that there are now 617 thousand troops at the front. In total, there were 244 thousand mobilized and 486 thousand volunteers, plus an army of 250 thousand, which entered Ukraine in February. There were no rotations or demobilizations, the math is simple,” calculated the Andryushchenko Time telegram channel.

Putin's dreams

Also, the head of the Kremlin shared his aggressive ambitions for Ukraine. A sick imagination makes itself felt.

“The entire South-East of Ukraine has always been pro-Russian, because these are historical Russian territories. In Turkey they know well that the entire Black Sea region as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars went to Russia. What is Ukraine here? Has nothing to do with it at all. Neither Crimea, nor Crimea. in general, the entire Black Sea region. Odessa is generally a Russian city. We know about this. Everyone knows about it well. No, they made up all sorts of historical nonsense “, the Kremlin dictator shared his insanity.

It seems there is no cure. The years go by, and Putin is getting worse. Someone explain to him that he shouldn’t interfere with his neighbors when the house is a mess! And Odessa, Crimea and so on are Ukraine and the whole world knows about it. Obviously, except for Putin.

Questions for the dictator

And while the war criminal was openly lying to his people, not very “convenient” questions were appearing on the screen behind him. Those wishing to communicate with the president could send him questions via SMS. On the screen you could see:

Of course, all these questions remained unattended by the bloody dictator. He stuck to a carefully planned script. He talked about economic growth, the insignificance of Western sanctions and the “greatness” of the Russian state. Meanwhile, the Russians were interested in something completely different, for example, “when he (Putined.) fucked up?”.

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