Home » Putin declared President Biden “best” for Russia: the White House reacted

Putin declared President Biden “best” for Russia: the White House reacted

by alex

The White House responded to Putin's statements about “the best” President Biden for Russia/Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, made a new statement regarding the current US President. According to him, Joe Biden is better for Russia as President of the United States, not Donald Trump.

The White House did not ignore this statement . They immediately reacted to the statements of the Russian dictator Putin.

Putin spoke about President Biden being “better” for Russia

Vladimir Putin said he prefers President Joe Biden to Trump because Biden is “more experienced” and “more predictable.”

At the US Presidential residence they decided to comment on the words of the Russian President.

I think that Mr. Putin knows very well what this administration is doing to counter the malign influence of Russia around the world and, of course, what they are doing in Ukraine,” said White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby.

He stated this at the briefing. According to him, the current administration demonstrates “how ready we are to fight back what Russia is doing.”

In addition, a White House representative warned Kremlin head Putin against interfering in American elections.

“Mr. Putin should not interfere in our elections,” he added.

What is Trump's reaction to the statements of the head of the Kremlin: the main thing

Former US President Donald Trump took as a compliment the words of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding the fact that for Russia Joe Biden is better as US President.

According to him, the dictator would prefer Biden to win, since Trump, during his presidency, damaged the interests of Russia, especially in the construction of Nord Stream 2 .

Trump also added that “I stopped Nord Stream 2, and Biden approved it immediately after I left, so Putin is not really a fan of mine. He wants Biden because he will be given everything he wants, including Ukraine.”

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