Home ยป Putin could not be stopped: the head of the CIA said when he realized that Russia would still attack Ukraine

Putin could not be stopped: the head of the CIA said when he realized that Russia would still attack Ukraine

by alex

CIA director Bill Burns traveled to Moscow just in time for Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He told when he realized that Putin decided to finally attack our state.

The United States envisaged the future actions of Vladimir Putin. In November 2021, CIA Director Bill Burns was sent by Joe Biden on a business trip to Moscow. He had an important role: to present to the bloody dictator Washington's arguments, indicating the planned full-scale invasion.

Burns was supposed to convey the consequences to Putin

During that trip, I had a bad feeling about what was to come. After the conversations I had there, it only intensified,โ€ Burns recalled.

It is curious that they did not communicate in person. The dictator was in self-isolation in Sochi. Burns himself was in Moscow, from where he had a telephone conversation with the President of Russia.

According to the director of the CIA, this conversation was fairly frank. He actually conveyed to the bloody dictator everything that the American leader asked to convey. According to Burns, Putin's response mostly consisted of what everyone had heard before. We are talking about the conviction of the president of the aggressor country in relation to Ukraine, as well as “self-confidence in Russia's ability to impose its will” on our state.

It's curious! Burns recalled that Putin's advisers were also consistent. However, it should be noted that not everyone knew what the dictator had prepared. One or two, the director of the CIA noted, were somewhat surprised by what they heard from the head of American intelligence.

I went with the very strong impression that Putin had almost completely decided to go to war. Burns emphasized.

According to Burns, Putin decided to start a big war because of his obsession. He was literally fascinated by the idea of completely taking control of Ukraine. As the head of the CIA noted, the bloody dictator convinced himself that the “strategic window of opportunity” to seize our state was closing . In particular, because Kyiv accelerated its movement towards the West and NATO, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine became only more powerful.

Burns noted that Putin considered the winter of 2021-2022 favorable for starting a great war. The dictator emphasized this during a conversation with the head of the CIA.

Why Ukrainians were not warned in advance

Alexei Danilov, NSDC Secretary, answered this question. He noted that Russia did not attack Ukraine on February 24, 2022. According to him, the invasion of the aggressor country began in February 2014, when it broke into the Crimean peninsula.

And on February 24, 2022, Danilov emphasized, a new phase of the war began. It became possible because the enemy had not previously received a worthy rebuff in 2014. That is why the invaders decided to go further.

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