Home » Putin called the war in Ukraine “a matter of life and death” for Russia

Putin called the war in Ukraine “a matter of life and death” for Russia

by alex

The master of the Kremlin is once again brainwashing the Russians, passing off Russian aggression as a "struggle for the survival of Russia".

Events on the battlefield in Ukraine are a “matter of life and death” for Russia, which can determine its fate.

This was stated by the president of the aggressor state, Vladimir Putin, in a television interview published by the state channel “Russia-1” on Sunday, February 18, reports The Moscow Times.

“I believe that for ourselves, and even more so for our listeners and viewers abroad, it is still important to understand our way of thinking,” the Russian president said, commenting on a recent interview with former American TV host Tucker Carlson. which the Kremlin used to promote its narratives about the war in Ukraine.

“Everything that happens on the Ukrainian front: for them [Western countries] it is an improvement in the tactical position, but for us it is our destiny, it is a matter of life and death,” Putin said.

The publication recalled that the Kremlin has repeatedly viewed the nearly two-year conflict in Ukraine as a “struggle for Russia’s survival,” trying to rally patriotic sentiment among its population, since many Russians are apathetic towards the war.

In the same interview with the Russian state television channel, as reported by the propaganda media, the owner of the Kremlin once again stated that Russia is ready to peacefully end “this conflict.” “We are ready for dialogue,” Putin said.

Recall that at the end of December 2023, the authoritative newspaper The New York Times, citing sources close to the Kremlin, as well as American officials familiar with the situation, reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin, through diplomatic channels, expresses his readiness to stop fire and negotiations.

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