Home » Putin awarded the Order of the Citizen of Germany

Putin awarded the Order of the Citizen of Germany

by alex

President Putin conferred orders on two Russian diplomats and German citizen Helmut Hahn

Vladimir Putin. Photo: Kremlin Pool / Global Look Press

Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded medals to two Russian diplomats and a German citizen. The corresponding decree was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the document, the Order of Friendship was awarded to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada Oleg Stepanov. The Order of Honor, in turn, was awarded to Vladimir Leontyev, Deputy Director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In addition, the President awarded the Order of Friendship to German citizen Helmut Hahn, chairman of the public organization Forum named after R. Koch and II Mechnikov.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree rewarding medical workers for their contribution to the fight against the spread of coronavirus. The document says that doctors were awarded, among other things, for the dedication shown in the performance of their professional duty. Thus, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, will be awarded to nine specialists, the Pirogov Order – 18 and the Luka Krymsky Medal – 36 physicians and doctors.

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