Home » Putin answered the question about the recognition of the Taliban

Putin answered the question about the recognition of the Taliban

by alex

Putin on the recognition of the Taliban power: we are working on this issue with the international community

Photo: Jorge Silva / AP

Moscow is working in concert with members of the international community on the recognition of the authority of the militants of the radical Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) in Afghanistan, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. So he answered the corresponding question of the journalist at the annual large press conference, which is broadcast on Youtube by TASS.

According to the head of state, the issue of recognizing the Taliban's authority should be based on reality. However, first of all, it is necessary to help the Afghan people: those countries that destroyed the economy of the state should do this, he said. “We will do everything that depends on us,” Putin concluded.

Earlier, in October, the Russian president announced plans to remove the radical Taliban movement from the official list of terrorists. He stressed that the decision will depend on the development of the situation in Afghanistan – the Russian side is cooperating with representatives of the Taliban and expects further moves from them.

On October 7, 2001, the US military operation began in Afghanistan – the number of the American contingent reached 140 thousand people. For almost 20 years of hostilities, Washington and the government regime it supports were unable to destroy the Taliban, and the result of the operation was the statement by the Taliban on August 15, 2021 about full control over the territory of Afghanistan.

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