Home » Putin and Lavrov under functional immunity – Venediktova on how to get them to respond

Putin and Lavrov under functional immunity – Venediktova on how to get them to respond

by alex

Venediktova told how to force Putin and Lavrov to respond /AP

To date, the Office of the Prosecutor General must record more than 20 cases of Russian aggression against Ukraine. And one of the main cases of a full-scale invasion of February 24th. There are 623 people among the suspects, including the top leadership of Russia.

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Irina Venediktova spoke about this on the air of the all-Ukrainian information marathon, Channel 24 writes.

However, according to Venediktova, among these 623 people there is neither Vladimir Putin nor Sergey Lavrov. This is because they have functional immunity.

Therefore, for any fault or crime in Ukraine, we cannot prosecute people who are under functional immunity. This practice is valid in all civilized states and applies to presidents, prime ministers and ministers of foreign affairs. – explained the Prosecutor General.

However, functional immunity is valid only when a person holds one of the above positions.

“And when it ends (the term of office is channel 24), we are all ready. We are collecting evidence. In addition, we understand that these persons are not under the functional immunity of the International Criminal Court,” Venediktova emphasized.

< p> She added that this court should have a mandate to investigate war crimes, as well as crimes against humanity.

The number of cases due to Russian war crimes is going through the roof

< p _ngcontent-serverapp-c51=""> Earlier, Irina Venediktova said that in Ukraine there are constantly cases of crimes committed by Russian assassins. Every day their number increases by 100 or 200 units.

“As of June 4th, there is a clear figure of 15,649 war crimes. These cases are moving. And there are 7,356 of those involved in them. We see that the numbers are really off the charts. I mean in total more than 20 thousand cases,” Venediktova said.

According to the Prosecutor General, coordination meetings have been held for judges since the first days of the war. She discussed it with the Chief Justice because there is a big request for war crimes and war crimes. The courts must be ready to consider a large number of cases and be carefully prepared for this.

Interesting! Ivano-Frankivsk City Court sentenced four men to 15 years with confiscation of property for siding with the enemy and betraying their country . The court also decided to destroy the evidence in the case – the passports of citizens of the “DPR” and the military clothes of Russians. >

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