Home » Putin and Kim Jong-in signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership” agreement

Putin and Kim Jong-in signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership” agreement

by alex

Putin and Kim Jong-in signed an agreement on a “comprehensive strategic partnership” Anzhelika Baybak

Meeting of Putin and Kim Chen Ina/Photo from Russian Media

Vladimir Putin signed a new agreement with Kim Jong-in on June 19 during his visit to the DPRK. It talks about a “comprehensive strategic partnership.”

This is reported in a number of Russian media. The text of the document has not yet been published online, reports 24 Channel.

Putin and Kim Jong-in signed an agreement

According to Russian media, negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-in ended in Pyongyang. The dictators discussed cooperation for about 2.5 hours.

As a result of the negotiations, Russia and the DPRK signed an agreement on a “comprehensive partnership.” Now the text of the document has not been published online, so the details of this cooperation are still unknown. North Korea “for the long term.” The Russian president also called the document “fundamental.” Most likely, the signed document will expand military cooperation between the two states and will allow the aggressor country to continue to receive missile weapons from the DPRK.

At the same time, it is worth adding that Western intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has become a key supplier of ammunition for the aggressor country. In addition, satellite images indicate a significant increase in traffic between the two countries.

North Korea helps Russia in war

North Korea helps Russia in the war. Thus, the DPRK previously transferred ballistic missiles with which Russia fired at Ukrainian territories.

Recently, the media reported that at least 10 thousand transport containers arrived in Russia from the DPRK. There could be about 4.8 million artillery shells there.

At that time, NATO expressed concern about the rapprochement between Russia and North Korea. Therefore, the Alliance countries are planning to counteract countries that are helping Putin in the war.

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