Home » Psychologists gave advice to lonely people to celebrate the New Year

Psychologists gave advice to lonely people to celebrate the New Year

by alex

Psychologist Razumova: lonely people in the new year need to listen to themselves, take life into their own hands

Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov / Kommersant

Lonely people on New Year's Eve should fulfill their desires, listen to themselves. Such advice on celebrating the New Year was given by Elena Razumova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Counseling at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“It's important to be in touch with yourself and be honest with yourself. The main rule is not to force yourself and not do what is not in tune with you now. You should listen to yourself and understand what I want on this New Year's Eve. Perhaps this answer to the question will surprise, perhaps, please, ”she suggested.

She explained that by listening to himself, a person will be able to understand what he really wants on this holiday. Someone may feel tired and go to bed early, someone, on the contrary, wants something unusual for a holiday, for example, go to a party at a yoga center, and someone just wants to take a walk

The main recommendation of Razumova is to take the authorship over your life into your own hands and organize a holiday for yourself on your own.

She noted that people often seek positive emotions from helping others. “Sometimes they go to an orphanage or a nursing home and organize events there. This is a very effective way to move away from fixation on yourself and your suffering to what you can give to the world, ”said the expert.

In turn, consultant psychologist at the Psychological Center on Volkhonka, Ilya Shabshin, stressed that those who were left alone for the holidays should listen to themselves, and not follow any trends. “We should be glad that I am the one who can make the decision that suits me. It is not a tragedy that some kind of ritual does not take place, these are all templates. I can make a choice that suits me, ”Shabshin explained.

Earlier, the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, clinical psychologist of the highest category Alexei Melekhin told how to deal with the New Year's anxiety syndrome, which occurs when trying to streamline plans and manage to complete all cases. Melekhin recommended “slowing down” and, first of all, identifying the five most important things that need to be done before the New Year.

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