Home » Psaki spoke about a non-existent plane at a press conference

Psaki spoke about a non-existent plane at a press conference

by alex

Jen Psaki

Press Secretary of the US President Joe Biden Jen Psaki was accused of disrespect for the US Armed Forces: instead of answering a question about the US Space Force, the country's space forces, she spoke about a certain non-existent plane, Politico reports.

“Wow, Space Force. This is the plane of today ”, – answered Psaki when asked about this type of troops and said that she did not know who the contact person of the White House was on this issue. Her response was interpreted by the media not as ignorance of the name of the space forces founded in 2019 by Donald Trump, but as an unfortunate joke, referring to the discussion of aircraft earlier at the same press conference.

“It's scary to see Biden’s press secretary casually devalue an entire branch of our troops for the sake of a joke or a phrase that I'm sure China would like,” Republican Senator Mike Rogers said in a conversation with reporters.

Following this announcement, Psaki spoke out in support of the space forces on her Twitter and stated that their employees are always welcome to hear from the White House.

Earlier it was reported that Psaki “lost her thought” during the accusations against Russia. During her speech, Psaki also named NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as UN Secretary General, and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as President.

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