Home » Protecting Ukraine is not only a matter for men: testing of women's field uniforms and underwear has begun

Protecting Ukraine is not only a matter for men: testing of women's field uniforms and underwear has begun

by alex

There are many women in the Armed Forces. For their convenience, a female military uniform has finally been created.

Testing has already begun. Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov spoke about this.

How many women are there in the Ukrainian army

Reznikov said that in 2021 the number of women in the ranks of the Armed forces of Ukraine amounted to about 30 thousand. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the number of military personnel is growing:

  • 41,000 women serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
  • about 19 thousand more women are civilian workers working for the needs of the army.

About 5 thousand women take part directly in the hostilities.

Today, Ukraine has a strong indicator of the number of women in the Armed Forces, even among NATO member countries. – the minister noted.

The number of military personnel in the armies of NATO member countries ranges from 0.3% to 20%, including:

  • In the United States – 17%,< /li>
  • in the UK – 11%,
  • in Poland – 7%,
  • in Denmark – 8%,
  • in Estonia – 10%.

In turn, there are 9% of women in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, the issue of the availability of appropriate clothing and underwear for military personnel has been quite acute until now.

“When in the summer, at the initiative of the #ArmWomenNow project and the #FormaTwo public initiative and with the participation of an adviser – authorized by the President of Ukraine for barrier-free access, the Ministry of Defense began working on samples of female uniforms, studying experience, it turned out that there are few countries in whose armies women's field form,” Reznikov added.

He noted that not all NATO member countries, whose standard is used for tailoring, have a female field uniform.

“And in general, female military uniform has not been a daily routine in any country for a long time. In the United States, for example, women have been allowed to serve in the army since 1948, “said the head of the Ministry of Defense.

According to him, it was only in 2011 that the US Armed Forces developed exactly the female version of the uniform, suitable for anthropological parameters.

Testing of the female uniform began

The Ministry of Defense, together with volunteers, has been working on women's issues for several months military uniforms and underwear. And now, finally, the first batches have already been received by several brigades for testing.

Together with volunteers, we made 2 versions of a suit and underwear for military personnel. They will be examined during experimental wear in military units.

They will also investigate the current model of the field suit by dismantling it and providing the defenders with a tunic and trousers of different sizes.

According to the procedure, after testing the form by the defenders and receiving comments and suggestions from them, the manufacturer will finalize the copies. After that, signed by Reznikov, changes will be made to the order of the Ministry of Defense “On approval of the Rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia by the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and lyceum students of military lyceums.”

“Along with this, work continues to study the possibility of using fabric with elastane. This fabric allows, as a result of its properties and taking into account the anthropometry of the female figure, to adapt them in accordance with the needs of military personnel,” the minister said.

They also plan to develop women's berets

Reznikov noticed that the issue is not only about clothes.

In a few weeks, in January, we plan to begin work on the introduction of a separate type of boots with high berets for military personnel. The same applies to bulletproof vests, taking into account anthropological properties, – said the head of the Ministry of Defense.

Ukrainian manufacturers have already developed an experimental sample of such bulletproof vest. In particular, he has the means to redistribute the load. After completing the test cycle, according to certain procedures, he will leave for the troops.

“There should be a separate issue of providing uniforms for pregnant women. Unfortunately, there are gaps here. And we must also work on this. Such uniforms are already provided, for example, for military personnel in Germany,” Reznikov added.

Last year, maternity overalls began testing in the US Army. In Ukraine, volunteers were not on the sidelines here either. According to the minister, he read about a sewn off uniform for pregnant women for one of the servicemen.

“Ukrainian women are brave and professional. Ukrainian women are about invincibility. About strength. About character. They are independent, like ours.” State. Snipers, gunners, tankers… They defend our land without fear and destroy the enemy. Women in the medical forces provide assistance to our soldiers – women and men, on the front lines under enemy shelling,” the head of the Defense Ministry emphasized.

According to Reznikov, protecting Ukraine from the invaders is not only a matter for men. After all, women, side by side with their brothers, protect Ukraine and Ukrainians.

“And we must do everything to make them comfortable and comfortable. And we will do it. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your service. Glory to Ukraine” , – summed up the minister.

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