Home » “Products of National Heritage”: One EU Country Legalizes Moonshine Production, But There's a Condition

“Products of National Heritage”: One EU Country Legalizes Moonshine Production, But There's a Condition

by alex

Since October 31, the production of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 65 degrees has been permitted in Lithuania.

Moonshine production in rural tourism estates has been legalized in Lithuania, but not for sale.

This is evidenced by amendments to the law, signed by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, LRT reports.

Since October 31, Lithuania has recognized drinks with a strength of up to 65 degrees as “national heritage products.”

Lithuanians will be able to produce up to 100 liters of moonshine per year, but only for personal or family use or for tasting on site; its sale will be prohibited.

The amendments also require moonshine producers to notify the State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania 48 hours before the start of production. And within 24 hours after the end of production, report the exact amount of the drink produced.

It is assumed that the moonshine will be poured into glass bottles with a volume of 0.2 to 1 liter with labels indicating the number, first and last name of the manufacturer, date and time of production, composition and percentage of ethyl alcohol.

The Lithuanian authorities previously explained that the amendment will not bring significant financial benefits to the owners of estates, but will help preserve the national heritage.

We remind you that new rules for the employment of Ukrainian citizens without temporary protection in the country will be in effect in Lithuania. Refugees from Ukraine will be able to work there only after receiving a residence permit.

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