Home » Prisoners themselves are eager to go to war: after what terrible crimes are they mobilized in Russia?

Prisoners themselves are eager to go to war: after what terrible crimes are they mobilized in Russia?

by alex

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Russia plans to avoid mobilization by recruiting contract soldiers. The monthly recruitment of new recruits is estimated at about 30 thousand people. However, are there so many people willing to conclude an agreement and join the ranks of the armed forces of the aggressor country.

About this Channel 24said the chairman of the Sitting Rus' charity foundation, Olga Romanova. By the way, now the Kremlin is doing everything possible to encourage Russians to go to war.

Criminals want theirs

It’s no secret that prison is one of the sources from which the Russian government draws manpower for the so-called “its”. Now it is beneficial for the Russian leadership for people to commit crimes, because they can be immediately taken from pre-trial detention centers to war.

Prisoners, arrested, those those who are under surveillance, everyone wants to join the army,” Romanova noted.

Recently, in Krasnoyarsk, a 21-year-old cadet from the Ministry of Emergency Situations School was tried for raping and killing a 16-year-old girl. During the investigation, it turned out that he had committed another theft and another rape. He was sentenced to 21 years. However, during the court hearing, the guy smiled all the time and immediately stated that he would go to the so-called “his own”. a lot,” noted the chairman of the Sitting Rus' charity foundation. ~

In addition, now the criminal government of Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, is doing everything possible for those who went to fight, as well as to encourage them to mobilize. The President of Russia even signed two decrees:

  • on the write-off of loans and interest on credit rates for participants in the so-called “svo”.
  • on the prohibition of dismissal of wives and widows mobilized during the year and permission for non-payment of utilities.

The head of the Kremlin is trying to buy cannon fodder for money. However, the fact is that it is not Putin who forgives all debts. This money will be collected from Russians by other methods, for example, by raising taxes, interest rates, and the like. Russians will pay for this out of their own pockets.

When Petya realizes that his neighbor Vasya went to the front, received a salary of 250 thousand, they wrote him off loans, and his wife, a widow, received payments and bought an apartment in the regional center, and he has to pay for utilities, which suddenly increased, then he will think and think and also go to war. Petya will be strangled with a small salary, payments, loans,” Romanova added.

Since the end of September 2023, prisoners who were sent to fight have ceased to be pardoned. Now anyone mobilized, in particular prisoners, once at the front, remains there forever. This also reduces mobilization pressure, because if previously at least prisoners had rotation, now no one will have rotation at all.

Latest news about mobilization in Russia

  • At the end of March 2024, the Kremlin published a new decree on spring conscription in Russia. Dictator Putin wants to call up 150 thousand more Russians for military service. Let us remind you that from January 1, Russians aged 18 to 30 years old are subject to conscription for military service.
  • Spring conscription in Russia began on April 1. The conscripts will serve for a year in different regions of the aggressor country. British intelligence reported that conscripts will be “motivated” to sign contracts.
  • At the same time, before June 1, Russia is preparing to mobilize another 300 thousand people. President Vladimir Zelensky noted that mobilization will become more open.

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