Home » President of Turkmenistan proposes to fight coronavirus with licorice root

President of Turkmenistan proposes to fight coronavirus with licorice root

by alex

President of Turkmenistan proposes to fight coronavirus with licorice root

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov suggested using licorice root to fight the coronavirus, RIA Novosti reports citing local television.

The head of state announced the initiative at a government meeting via video link. He drew the attention of the meeting participants to the medicinal properties of licorice root. At the same time, the President recalled that the plant grows in large quantities on the territory of Turkmenistan.

“In the first volume“ Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan ”I described the properties of licorice root, its biological characteristics and chemical composition. Scientists note that the active substance – glycyrrhizic acid, which is part of licorice, counteracts the spread of a new type of coronavirus pandemic, which the whole world is fighting against. Even a small amount of licorice shows a good result in eliminating this infection, ”Berdymukhamedov said, adding that with the help of licorice, they treat allergies, colds, bronchial asthma, and also produce antiviral drugs.

“Scientists around the world are conducting various studies to find effective drugs against coronavirus, and licorice root could be one of these drugs,” the president said.

Berdymukhamedov believes that this can be used for joint work of Turkmen and foreign specialists, because Turkmenistan has accumulated a lot of experience in using this tool, and there is also a sufficient supply of licorice for the production of medicines.

“In this regard, I am instructing the head of the Academy of Sciences, Sapar Toylyev, to study this problem in depth from a scientific point of view. And I instruct the Minister of Health and Medical Industry Nurmukhammet Amannepesov to modernize our pharmaceutical enterprises and build new ones, ”the president gave instructions.

Earlier, Berdymukhamedov told how to properly strengthen the immune system. He, as a doctor, said that the best prevention is a healthy lifestyle and a harmonious combination of physical activity with positive emotions. The head of state spoke about this during the opening of the new administrative building of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, as well as visiting the sports museum located here.

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