Home ยป Pregnant Woman Had a Miscarriage Because of a Golden Retriever: What Happened and How the Owner Was Punished

Pregnant Woman Had a Miscarriage Because of a Golden Retriever: What Happened and How the Owner Was Punished

by alex

She was very scared.

A court in China has ordered the owner of a dog to pay 90,000 yuan ($12,600) in compensation to a pregnant woman who suffered a miscarriage after the animal attacked her pounced.

This is reported by SCMP.

The 41-year-old woman became pregnant after several in vitro fertilization (IVF) operations over three years.

The incident occurred earlier this year when the expectant mother named Yan was walking through her residential area to pick up a package from a courier station. Suddenly, a golden retriever ran out of the house and headed towards her. Yan was startled and stepped back, injuring her back. She immediately felt something in her waist and lower abdomen.

The police were called to respond to a dispute between Yan and the owner of the dog, whose surname is Li.

Later that day, Yan visited the hospital and stayed overnight. The next morning, doctors were unable to detect a fetal heartbeat.

“I was almost four months pregnant. After being scared by a dog, I felt pain in my stomach. I went to the hospital, but unfortunately my baby could not be saved,” Yan said. “It was very difficult for me to give birth to this child. I underwent IVF treatment for three years. Now I have miscarried. My heart is broken.”

Following the incident, Yan filed a lawsuit against Li. The court ruled in her favor, ordering him to pay 90,000 yuan for the physical and emotional suffering caused during the encounter.

Li admitted that his golden retriever was not on a leash, but claimed that the dog, as an assistance animal for the visually impaired, would not have caused harm to anyone. He also placed some blame on Yan, arguing that she should have been more careful given the risks associated with her IVF pregnancy.

Under China's Animal Epidemic Prevention Law, pet owners are required to keep their dogs on a leash in public places. Penalties for violating this rule can include fines of up to 200 yuan ($28), and if the dog injures someone, the owner is legally liable for the damage caused.

The court ruled that it was perfectly legal for a woman 15 weeks pregnant to walk around her home.

The court ruled that Yan's miscarriage was caused by her being scared of her dog, Li, who was supposed to be on a leash. As a result, Yan's demand for compensation from Li was granted.

Recall that recently in China a woman found a human organ in a gingerbread. Manufacturers say it is “impossible” for anything to slip through X-ray inspection.

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