Home » Post of Ukrainian journalist after Kernes' death outraged residents of Ukraine

Post of Ukrainian journalist after Kernes' death outraged residents of Ukraine

by alex

Post of Ukrainian journalist after Kernes' death outraged residents of Ukraine

Ukrainian journalist Yegor Checherinda posted on Facebook on the day of the funeral of Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes a photo of the funeral procession with the body of drug lord Pablo Escobar. “Beggars are always 'grateful' to their masters,” he wrote.

The users were outraged by the publication, they suggested that the journalist drew an analogy between Kernes and Escobar. Commentators said that the journalist himself would be forgotten immediately, and Kernes would be remembered for his deeds.

We add, the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko also received scandalous PR in connection with the funeral of Kernes. During the farewell ceremony, which took place in the building of the Kharkov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, he took a selfie almost against the background of the coffin in an embrace with one of the townspeople.

We will remind, Kernes died at the age of 62 in Germany, in the Berlin clinic “Charite”, where he received treatment after the coronavirus on December 17.

Note that on December 23, about 100 thousand people left to see Gennady Kernes on his last journey. At the same time, representatives of the authorities, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, ignored the event.

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