Home » Possible scenarios of conflict with NATO were described in Russia

Possible scenarios of conflict with NATO were described in Russia

by alex

Senator Klimov: the conflict with NATO will end either in war or in remission

Andrey Klimov. Photo: press service of the Federation Council

The current conflict between Russia and NATO may end either in a third world war, or in remission if the alliance agrees to move towards achieving a balance of interests, says Federation Council Senator Andrei Klimov. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he noted that at the moment NATO's actions are only aggravating tensions.

Against the background of growing tensions around the situation in Ukraine, NATO has increased the combat readiness of its rapid reaction forces. The alliance has reduced the readiness time for the deployment of the Joint High-Readiness Task Force (VJTF) in the crisis zone from seven to five days. The specified group consists of 6.4 thousand military personnel, it is headed by Turkey.

War or peace

Klimov noted that at the moment the increase in NATO's presence in the region does not change the global balance of power. Nevertheless, such actions cannot be ignored.

“Now we have put forward a number of proposals to our western counterparts. It is proposed to recognize the unacceptability of a nuclear war – this is a very important point, we propose to stop considering each other as enemies. What is happening now is not a response to a proposal, there is a certain amount of inertia. But in order to justify it, news feeds are needed, which, by and large, do not change the strategic balance, although they are still unpleasant, ”the politician said.

The problem is that tensions are being escalated and the possibility of unforeseen incidents and erroneous decisions that can subsequently be negatively reflected on all of humanity increases.

Andrey Klimovsenator

The senator stressed that such actions by NATO create extremely unfavorable conditions for the subsequent detente, which cannot but happen. From this situation, according to Klimov, there are only two ways out: the third world or entering the period of remission.

An alternative to remission with mutual guarantees of safety is only a man-made apocalypse, which I would really not want

Andrey Klimovsenator

“The West is pushing not only us into a bottle, but also itself: Russia has enough strength to defend itself, but the consequences of any armed conflict, even in the center of Europe, will be extremely grave. These are both refugee flows and humanitarian disasters. It would be better for them to read carefully what Moscow is proposing and start reacting in the right direction, trying to achieve a balance of interests, “Klimov recommended.

But to achieve a balance, as noted by Klimov, political will is needed, and it is in this direction that difficulties may arise. However, according to him, the professionalism and experience of US President Joe Biden inspire cautious optimism.

“Inside NATO and Washington, the picture is now quite variegated. A whole generation of people has grown up who do not know what a real war is. Many of them have made a career out of Russophobia, the arms race and are incapable of any other activity. And, frankly, I have little idea how these people can begin to act in the right direction for civilization. Although there are enough professional people there. Biden has gone through a serious foreign policy school, and there are enough people like him. Unfortunately, if their position does not outweigh, we, as the president said, will have to look for other answers, including those of a military-technical nature, ”the senator warned.

Klimov concluded that Moscow will not postpone the negotiation process and the adoption of the final decision indefinitely. Ultimately, everything will depend on whether the voice of reason wins in the West.

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