Home » Possible draw option in the US presidential election is calculated

Possible draw option in the US presidential election is calculated

by alex

In the US presidential election, a tie in the number of electors is still possible. The RIA Novosti agency provides its calculations on the situation.

For an unconditional victory in the elections, one of the main candidates – incumbent leader Donald Trump or Democrat Joe Biden – needs to get 270 out of 538 electoral votes. However, it is currently possible that both of them will receive 269 votes.

This could happen if both of them win the districts where they already lead, with the exception of Michigan, which Biden wins. In this case, the results will be important in just two American states of Maine and Nebraska, which divide electoral votes between Republicans and Democrats, rather than give them to a single winning candidate.

In the event of a tie, the President will be elected by the House of Representatives of the Congress, and the Vice President – by the Senate. In this case, the principle “one state – one vote” is used, but the distribution of states by parties depends on the results of the parliamentary elections.

There are no final results of the presidential election yet, but incumbent leader Donald Trump has already congratulated his voters on his victory. At the same time, according to the latest data, the Democrat Biden is ahead of the Republican in the number of electoral votes: 238 against 213.

General Election Day was held in the United States on November 3. Citizens elected a president and vice president, 35 senators, the entire House of Representatives, 13 governors and local government representatives.

The United States has a two-tier election system. On election day, voters in every state, when casting a vote for one of the presidential candidates, actually vote not for him, but for the electors. And already the vote of these electors, held on the 41st day after the nationwide, finally identifies the new president.

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