Home » Pope predicted a new global flood

Pope predicted a new global flood

by alex

Mario Jose Bergoglio

The head of the Catholic Church, Francis, predicted a new global flood due to climate change. He is quoted by the Daily Mail.

According to the Pope, if the leaders of different countries do not react to what is happening – in particular, the melting of glaciers and changes in temperatures – the world will face a catastrophe. “[The Flood] will happen if we keep going the same way,” Francis said.

He recalled that in the Bible, Noah survived the flood because he was virtuous. In this regard, the pontiff suggested that in order to combat climate change, the authorities must first of all deal with corruption and injustice. Francis also emphasized that the flood itself may be a myth, but it also serves as a good example of how God can unleash his wrath to combat the sins of people.

In early December 2020, the Pope announced a massive absolution in connection with the global epidemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. According to Francis, in the conditions of coronavirus restrictions, indulgence is necessary – especially for the elderly, sick and dying believers, as well as everyone else who cannot get to the priest for the usual absolution of sins.

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