Home » Political strategist called an event that will immediately put Russia at the negotiating table

Political strategist called an event that will immediately put Russia at the negotiating table

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc86="" class="news-annotation">Ukraine has no plans to return to peace talks with Russia. However, there is a condition under which the Kremlin itself will want to resume the negotiation process as soon as possible.

About this Channel 24said the political strategist, reputation management expert Boris Tizenhausen. According to him, negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are still very far away.

After all, Russia puts forward demands that cannot be met.

What motivates Russia to negotiations

The political strategist noted that in order to resume any negotiation process a very strong mediation mission is needed.

“Whether it will be Erdogan or Scholz with Macron, it's hard for me to say. However, you can't do without a mediator,” Tizenhausen said.

Also, according to the political strategist, there is one condition that will quickly change the Kremlin's position in the negotiations.

Ukraine must launch a counteroffensive. Then Russia will be forced to sit down at the negotiating table, because even the illusion of its victory will disappear. he emphasized.

Tizenhausen suggested that in the event of a counter-offensive by Ukrainian troops, Russia, of course, could announce another “gesture of good will.” Like, Russian troops left the occupied territories of the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions in order to save the lives of civilians.

But the Russians will have big problems. After all, the way to the Crimea will be opened. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will approach the Crimean bridge,” the political consultant said.

Did Putin listen to Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky called the “red lines” at the intersection of which Russia can forget about the resumption of the negotiation process between the countries forever. This is the trial of the Azov people in Mariupol, as well as the holding of the so-called “referendums” in the occupied territories.

Russia did not arrange a “tribunal” on August 24 and allegedly postpones fake referendums. However, according to Tiesenhausen, this does not at all indicate that the paths listened to the President of Ukraine.

Putin is a kdbshnik, and sometimes he answers asymmetrically. He is trying to lull the vigilance of the Ukrainians, to demonstrate that Russia has made concessions,” he said.

Putin's secret intentions

The political strategist suggested that the Russian dictator has hidden intentions.

Putin is waiting and trying to drag Lukashenka into the war at last. He wants to withdraw part of our forces in order to strengthen his position, in particular in the matter of negotiations, – said Tizenhausen.

Boris Tizenhausen told what will happen with the Zaporizhzhya NPP: watch the video

Peace talks between Ukraine and Russia: in brief

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