Home » Polish Prime Minister resigned: details

Polish Prime Minister resigned: details

by alex

President Andrzej Duda entrusted Morawiecki with forming a government.

On Monday, November 12, as part of the inaugural session of the 10th-term Diet, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki resigned. He invited everyone who cares about the future of the country to join a broad coalition.

RMF24 writes about this.

“We all solemnly swore to the nation to defend its sovereignty. These words will guide us, especially in the near future. Of course, we are well aware of the great challenges the coming time will bring us,” Morawiecki said.

“Coalition of Polish Affairs”

The politician admitted that not everything was done as needed. At the same time, he emphasized: only the government that does nothing does not make mistakes. Addressing parliamentarians, Morawiecki invited them to join the coalition.

“Dear parliamentarians, dear compatriots, we have a period of government formation ahead, and I would like to invite everyone to the coalition that the president spoke about – the coalition of Polish affairs,” he said.

Morawiecki stressed that the coalition will deal with social issues, security issues, national security issues and sovereignty issues.

Let us remind you that in Poland, on October 15, elections to the Sejm were held. 460 deputies were elected in the elections. The presidential Law and Justice party received 35.38% of the vote and 194 seats in parliament. The opposition Civic Coalition of Donald Tusk was in another place, receiving 30.7% of the vote and 157 seats. It is followed by the “Third Way” – 14.40%, “Livitsa” – 8.61%, the extreme right and anti-Ukrainian “Confederation” – 7.16%.

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