Home ยป Polish Foreign Minister Calls for Stopping Aid to Ukrainian Refugees So They Go to War

Polish Foreign Minister Calls for Stopping Aid to Ukrainian Refugees So They Go to War

by alex

The Foreign Ministry stated that Ukrainian refugees do not receive social assistance in Poland.

The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikrowski stated that the EU countries are reducing the mobilization potential of Ukraine by paying aid refugees.

He said this in an interview with Le Monde.

He said that Ukraine now, first of all, needs military equipment and troops.

“Obviously, the delay of the US Congress in adopting the aid package was sad, but so was the delay of the Ukrainians in adopting the law on mobilization. And we are reducing the mobilization potential by paying aid to Ukrainian refugees,” Sikorski said.

He said that in Poland, Ukrainian refugees do not receive social help.

“If they are under EU protection as refugees, they receive 200 euros a month for each child enrolled in the Polish system. In Western Europe, they receive other benefits. This is a financial incentive for young men and women who might otherwise return home to defend their country. We must not subsidize disobedience,” the Polish Foreign Minister noted.

Recall that it was previously reported that a figure was named for how many Ukrainians intend to return from abroad.

In addition, we previously reported that Ukrainians in Germany may lose aid.

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