At the border with Poland, Belarusians cut a fence to create a passage for illegal migrants.
On Thursday, November 4, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak published a photo of Belarusian border guards with scissors for cutting the fence.
On his Twitter, he said that the photo was taken by the Polish military on the border with Belarus, from where illegal migrants are constantly arriving.
According to him, the regime of the Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko deliberately creates a tense situation.
“Every day Belarusians try to escalate, use provocations and push migrants to the Polish side.” , – noted the head of the Ministry of Defense of Poland.
Nasi żołnierze sfotografowali białoruskich pograniczników z nożycami do cięcia płotu. Takie sytuacje na granicy są codziennością. Kryzys na granicy spowodował reżim Łukaszenki. Białorusini każdego dnia dążą do eskalacji, stosują prowokacje i przepychają migrantów na polską stronę
– Mariusz Błaszczak (@ Remind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) November 4, 2021 Poland announced the invasion of unknown armed men in military uniform across the border with Belarus. The incident took place on the night of November 2.