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Police open criminal proceedings over a fire in a hospital in Kosovo

by alex

Law enforcers have opened criminal proceedings over a fire in the intensive care unit of the Kosovo city hospital in the Carpathian region, during which four people died.

& # 8212; Proceedings have been opened under article 270 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Violation of fire or technogenic safety requirements established by law, & # 8212; Ed. ), & # 8212; police said.

 Police opened criminal proceedings over a fire in a hospital in Kosovo

According to recent reports, four people died and three citizens were injured in a fire in a hospital in Kosovo. Among them are bedridden patients and medical workers.

A nurse (90% of body burns), a nurse (60%) and a resuscitator on duty (20%) were injured.

Police opened criminal proceedings due to a fire in a hospital in Kosovo

According to preliminary information, they plan to send a helicopter from Lviv to the Ivano-Frankovsk regional hospital, and from there to the burn center of Kiev.

Supplemented by & # 8230;

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