Home » Police officers from the Krasnodar Territory were transferred to the Kherson region – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Police officers from the Krasnodar Territory were transferred to the Kherson region – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by alex

In the Kherson region, the invaders from the Russian FSB are carrying out punitive operations, and the enemy is trying to agitate the local population to join the “police”.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian police officers from the Krasnodar Territory and the occupied Crimea were involved in the region.

— The occupying troops have lost their offensive potential and are stopped in all directions. The enemy has significant problems with logistics, continues to take damage. In some areas it blocks units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — the message says.

The General Staff reported that the enemy used almost the entire set of Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles and Iskander operational-tactical missile systems during the first twenty days of the operation, therefore, it continues to deliver missile and bomb strikes on infrastructure facilities and residential areas of large cities. using weapons of indiscriminate action

The occupier continues to take hostages and kill civilians, shoot down civilian vehicles, impede the movement of humanitarian convoys to evacuate the population by certain and mutually agreed “green corridors”, use civilian infrastructure to deploy weapons and equipment, resort to looting

This all violates the requirements of International Humanitarian Law, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

“The enemy continues to keep the Ukrainian city of Mariupol under siege and proceeded to the total destruction of civilian infrastructure, residential buildings and life support facilities, which creates the preconditions for a deepening humanitarian crisis in the city,” the message says.

The General Staff added that the enemy is trying to intimidate the civilian population in the temporarily occupied territories, so the invaders resort to kidnapping and detaining representatives of state authorities and local self-government.

– In addition to units of the Russian armed forces in the Kherson region, the presence of police officers from the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimea temporarily occupied by the Russians was recorded. The operational groups of the FSB carry out punitive functions. The enemy is campaigning to attract the local population to the so-called “police”, — the message says.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the Russian Federation, on March 20 this year, began another wave of mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk region. The so-called mobilization will take place in the ranks of the 1st Army Corps due to the impossibility of high-quality staffing of the group of occupation troops.

At the same time, aviation units of the 960th assault aviation regiment of the 4th Army of the RF Armed Forces suffered significant losses .

— The moral and psychological state of the flight crew is extremely unsatisfactory. Cases of submitting reports for dismissal due to unwillingness to participate in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine continue, the report says.

The General Staff added that the Ukrainian military inflicted significant losses on units from the 252nd motorized rifle regiment of the Western Military District, fighting in the areas of the cities of Kharkov and Izyum.

— Lost up to 30 percent of personnel, weapons and military equipment. In addition, units of the defense forces liquidated the commander of the 3rd motorized rifle division, Colonel Igor Nikolaev, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

See an interactive online map of hostilities in Ukraine.

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