Home ยป Police demanded the Pentagon to continue guarding the Capitol

Police demanded the Pentagon to continue guarding the Capitol

by alex

Capitol police have demanded that National Guard officers continue to provide security for the Capitol for another two months, the Associated Press reported. Defense officials said the Pentagon was considering a proposal to extend the term of protection.

The request stems from continuing concerns over the threat of another storming of the Capitol two months after Republican supporters stormed the building, killing five people. At the moment, the Capitol is guarded by more than 5,000 National Guard officers, whose mission is to end on March 12.

In addition, US Capitol police officials told Congress leaders that the barbed wire fence around the Capitol should be left in place for a few more months.

Earlier, the US Capitol police warned of a possible storming of the American Parliament by radical citizens on March 4 with the aim of seizing the Capitol and expelling Congressmen from there. After that, the House of Representatives of the US Congress canceled the meeting scheduled for that day.

Prior to that, supporters of the QAnon movement (conspiracy theories whose supporters believe that Democratic leaders, Hollywood stars and religious leaders are Satanists and sexual exploiters, and former US President Donald Trump opposes them – Lenta.ru comment ) announced March 4 as a day ” true inauguration โ€. According to them, on this day, former President Donald Trump will return to the presidency.

On January 6, Republican protesters stormed the Capitol Building and surrounded the Senate Hall. The Senate and the House of Representatives interrupted a meeting at which it was planned to approve the results of the last elections. During the protests, police detained nearly 70 rioters, killing five. On January 14, the US House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump in connection with the riots in Washington, but subsequently the initiative did not receive enough votes, and the former president was acquitted.

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