Home » Poland outraged by Moscow's request to investigate the death of Kaczynski

Poland outraged by Moscow's request to investigate the death of Kaczynski

by alex

The Polish Foreign Ministry called a provocation Moscow's request to provide legal assistance in the case of the crash of the Tu-154M aircraft, on board which was the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, which occurred in 2010 near Smolensk. This statement was made by the deputy head of the department Shimon Shinkovsky Vel Senk, quoted by RIA Novosti.

“Russia is not responding to a Council of Europe resolution calling for the end of the investigation and the transfer of the wreckage that belongs to the Polish state. She does not respond to many inquiries from the Polish prosecutor's office, meanwhile she suddenly reminds herself of this investigation and sends inquiries to Poland, ”the Deputy Foreign Minister was indignant. According to him, Russia's request for a transcript of the telephone conversation between Kaczynski and his brother is a political game.

Earlier, the Russian side requested the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland to provide new information on the case, which was disseminated by the Polish media. According to local journalists, the deceased President of Poland and his brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski spoke by satellite during the flight shortly before the plane crash. The recording of the conversation, which touches upon one of the aspects of the flight, is available in the materials of the criminal case under investigation in Poland.

The Tu-154 plane crash near Smolensk occurred in 2010. On board were high-ranking Polish officials, including President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. All passengers and crew members were killed. The Polish side conducted its own investigation and placed some of the blame on the Russian dispatchers. Russia denies the commission's findings about the explosion. The investigation continues in both Warsaw and Moscow. The fact that the explosion was the cause of the disaster has been claimed in Warsaw since 2016.

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