Home » Poland have revealed new details of the plane crash of Kaczynski

Poland have revealed new details of the plane crash of Kaczynski

by alex

The experts of the Polish Commission for re-investigation into the plane crash near Smolensk in 2010 that killed 96 people including President Lech Kaczynski, has revealed new details of the incident. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

It is alleged that the cause of the crash of Tu-154 was the explosion of TNT. He was allegedly placed in the plane during repairs in Russia.

Of such a reason, saying in Warsaw in 2016. To find traces of explosives, the Commission carried out the exhumation of the bodies of the dead, including President Kaczynski. However, several Polish experts said that the autopsy results do not confirm the version about the explosion. This is the second Commission on the causes of the disaster created in Poland.

Prior to that, in 2011, the interstate aviation Committee wrote that the cause of the crash was the crew’s decision not to leave on spare airdrome. The same conclusions came the first Commission of Poland: the crash allegedly occurred due to the reduction below the legal minimum aircraft went to land despite thick fog.

Tu-154M of the Polish air force, on Board of which were high-ranking Polish politicians, including Lech Kaczynski and his wife crashed in April 2010 near Smolensk. As a result, all passengers and crew members were killed. The Polish side did its own investigation and laid part of the blame on Russian air traffic controllers. Russia denies the Commission’s findings about the explosion. The investigation continues both in Warsaw and in Moscow.

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