Home » Poland explained why they will not be able to transfer F-16 fighters to Ukraine

Poland explained why they will not be able to transfer F-16 fighters to Ukraine

by alex

According to the Polish politician, “the transfer of A-16 fighters to Ukraine will mean the disarmament of the Polish army.”< /strong>

Deputy Minister of National Defense of the country Wojciech Skurkiewicz reacted to the information, as actively spread in the media, that allegedly Poland is actively negotiating the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. He refuted this information.

This is reported by the Polish edition Niezalezna.PL.

The publication cites the post of the deputy of the left Pavel Krutul, who is a member of the Seimas defense commission. The opposition politician wrote on his Twitter page that, in his opinion, “the transfer of A-16 fighters to Ukraine instead of the Russian MiG-29 will mean the disarmament of the Polish army.”

On his The message was responded by the Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland, Wojciech Surkiewicz. “No Polish A-16 broadcast topic”, Surkiewicz answered curtly.

F-16 for Ukraine

Recall President United States Joe Biden on Monday, January 30, told reporters that the United States would not transfer planes to Ukraine.

The White House also supported this position of the American leader. Like, the US is already sending or announced aid to send, including Abrams tanks.

Meanwhile, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, whose country has been actively helping Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, called on the NATO cross the so-called red lines and send long-range fighters and missiles to Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression.

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