Home » Poland explained frustrated moments from Russia

Poland explained frustrated moments from Russia

by alex

Mateusz Morawiecki

The Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki explained what moments from Russia cause discontent in Warsaw. His words conveys the newspaper Biznes Alert.

According to Moravcova, strong anti-Russian sentiment in Poland no. “However, there are some things that we don’t like,” said he. In particular, we are talking about such projects as the “Nord stream-2”. Moravicki expressed the opinion that they are dangerous for the region.

3 Aug the state anti-monopoly regulator UOKIK, Poland imposed a fine on Gazprom in the amount of 57 million euros for refusing to cooperate and provide necessary information about the construction of “Nord stream-2”. It was reported that the required information pertains to the financing of the project and the participation of foreign oil companies, which have the status of investors operator of a gas pipeline — Nord Stream AG 2 AG.

Imposed on “Gazprom” the fine is the maximum possible under Polish law. Earlier similar measures have been applied to the French Engie, who also refused to cooperate with Warsaw.

The second Nord stream must pass under the Baltic sea from Russia to Germany. The first “Nord stream” transportorul 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year via two threads, the second pipeline is designed for the same power.

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