Home » Poland built the first 140 kilometers of a wall on the border with Belarus

Poland built the first 140 kilometers of a wall on the border with Belarus

by alex

Wall on the border between Poland and Belarus/Video frame

Poland has assessed the risks that Belarus poses to the country, and have already built 140 kilometers of a wall on the border.

Poland decided to build a wall on the border with Belarus in 2021. Work began on January 25, 2022. At present, metal blocks with a length of 140 kilometers have been installed. Their height is 5.5 meters. This barrier is equipped with motion sensors and security cameras.

Now the Polish border guard must install electronic barriers. Consequently, the total length of the new fence will be 187 kilometers. The border itself between Poland and Belarus is about 400 kilometers.

It is planned to complete all the work by the end of June 2022.

The budget allocated for the implementation of this project is 366 million euros. The cost of building a physical barrier between Poland and Belarus alone is 1.5 billion złoty (more than 325.5 million euros). PLN 115 million (more than 24 million euros) will be allocated for technical devices.

50 thousand tons of steel were spent on the most metal barriers.

Why Poland is building a wall on the border with Belarus

Poland decided to build a wall on the border between the two countries after the migration crisis provoked by Belarus. In the summer of 2021, thousands of migrants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa gathered on the borders of Belarus with Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. All of them tried to get into the European Union. Then, on some days, up to 1,500 attempts to illegally cross the border were recorded.

During this migrant crisis, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland declared a state of emergency at their borders. Troops were sent to the borders, which held back the invasion of refugees.

The biggest attack occurred on November 16, when a group of migrants was led directly on the spot by Roman Podlinev, deputy head of the State Border Committee of Belarus. His identity was established from photographs from the scene.

This migration crisis was provoked by the Belarusian authorities, who freely allowed people to reach the borders with the EU countries. There they were placed in camps, from where they tried to escape to the European Union.

The European Union believes that in this way the self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko avenged the sanctions imposed on him due to the establishment of a dictatorship in the country.


Despite the construction of the wall, illegal migrants daily try to get into Poland from Belarus. Only on June 12, Polish border guards managed to detain 15 migrants from Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon and Congo at the border with Belarus.

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