Home » Poland announced Russia's readiness to blackmail the republic

Poland announced Russia's readiness to blackmail the republic

by alex

Sejm deputy Kowalski: Russia is preparing to start energy blackmailing Poland

Photo: Wojciech Kardas / Reuters

Polish parliament member Janusz Kowalski said Russia was preparing to blackmail the republic by gradually shutting down the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. He spoke about this in an interview with wPolityce.

Kovalsky was asked whether the suspension of gas transit through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline should be considered a pressure aimed at the soonest completion of the Nord Stream 2 certification process.

The deputy replied that the Kremlin is starting a long-term operation “to retain and preserve Russian spheres of influence in East Central Europe,” primarily in Poland. He noted that on December 31, 2022, the “contract of the century”, the Yamal Treaty, expires. “I think the Russians are preparing to start energy blackmailing Poland, as in 2009-2010, in order to force us to sign a medium- or long-term agreement in 12 months. The only difference is that it will most likely relate to the purchase of gas from the Nord Stream, that is, the supply of raw materials not from the east, through Belarus, but from the west, ”said Kovalsky.

On December 21, the exchange price of gas in Europe rose to $ 2,150 per thousand cubic meters and broke another record. A day earlier, the price of gas set a historic record when it exceeded $ 2,000 per thousand cubic meters.

The rise in gas prices in Europe is taking place against the backdrop of the termination of supplies by Gazprom through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline passing through the territory of Belarus and Poland. Fuel began to flow through it in the reverse direction towards Poland. On December 23, Gazprom for the fourth time in a row refused to book capacities for gas supplies via the gas pipeline through Poland on Friday.

In November, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Gazprom of rising gas prices. In his opinion, “price manipulations on the gas market are very clearly visible today.” Responsibility for this, as the Prime Minister assumes, is borne by Gazprom, whose actions have led to an increase in gas prices several times.

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